Sync Hub for Azure DevOps and Jira

for Jira Cloud
  • Supported

Streamlining Collaboration Across Platforms

  • Synchronizes the System Fields as well as the Custom Fields.
  • Stores the reference value as Jira ID in Azure DevOps workitem and workitem ID in Jira issue respectively.
  • Synchronizes based on the given JSON Mapping files.
  • Can be configurable for 2-way synchronizer as well as for 1-way synchronizer.
  • Works for creation, updation and deletion of field values, attachments and links.
  • Works for creation and updation for comments in Jira (Updation of Comment creates new comment in Azure DevOps and vice-versa).
  • Synchronizes users based on the given user mapping file.
  • Privacy and security

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    Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

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