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User Data Cleanup for Jira

works with Jira Data Center 8.20.0 - 9.14.1





  • Partner Supported

Key highlights of the appEfficiently manage user data security in Jira with User Data Cleanup: Simplify, Flexible and Secure Anonymizer

Highly customizable and modular

Configure multiple cleanup rules that can be applied to a single or bulk of users. Maximize control over user-specific data cleansing.

Two-Stage Cleanup: Leaving Day & Permanent

Apply a two-stage cleanup process: deactivate, remove, or transfer specific user data on the leaving day, retaining necessary information for traceability, and execute a permanent cleanup

Preview & Retrospect: Cleanup Control

Before performing cleanup actions for single or multiple users, use the Preview to check all planned actions. Use the Retrospect to check previously cleaned data for specific users.

Supporting media

More details

Use the cleanup feature in User Data Cleanup for Jira (UDC) to manage user data and simplify the transfer or removal of identifiable information. This app supports the enforcement of the General Data Protection Regulation, in particular the "right to be forgotten" regulation, which is essential for the handling of data of leaving users.

Use UDC to:

  • Apply a two-stage cleanup process: deactivate, remove, or transfer specific user data on the leaving day, retaining necessary information for traceability, and execute a permanent cleanup later
  • Optimize Jira license management by avoiding unnecessary user licenses
  • Enjoy more flexibility in the transfer of data and the performing bulk actions compared to Atlassian Anonymizer
  • Track your cleanup actions, using the preview and retrospective reports
  • Simplify administrative tasks for securing user data in Jira

Enhance your Jira experience with User Data Cleanup, ensuring efficient and compliant management of user data.


  • Download

    Get the .jar file downloaded to your system

  • App documentation

    Comprehensive set of documentation from the partner on how this app works

  • EULA

    Get the End User License Agreement for this app

Privacy and Security

Privacy policy

  • Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

    Partner privacy policy

Security program

  • This app is not part of the Marketplace Bug Bounty program.

Version information

Version 1.1.0for Jira Data Center 8.20.0 - 9.14.1

Release date

May 23rd 2024


More compatible with Data Center


Fixed Bug

  • Fixed some minor bugs
  • Make the app more compatible with Jira Data Center
  • Remove Access Token component

Payment model

Paid via Atlassian

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