Develop with AWS (Compass)

for Compass Cloud
  • Supported
Free app

You build it, you run it – integrate your AWS DevOps toolchain with the Atlassian Open DevOps experience

Track AWS DevOps events as Compass deployments

Track AWS CodePipeline deployment events, AWS CodeBuild build or deployment events, and CloudFormation stack provisioning events on your component’s activity page – refer to View a component's activity feed for details.

Track DevOps metrics in the component overview

Track AWS CodePipeline and AWS CloudFormation deployment frequency, and AWS CodeBuild build time and build success rate metrics (DORA metrics) – refer to View a component’s metrics for details.

Connect AWS DevOps toolchain

Use the AWS DevOps toolchain form as a workaround for insufficiently unique AWS Management console links - we'll amend this with an AWS Resource Explorer view based browsing experience soon.

More details

Develop with AWS targets DevOps teams with a ‘You build it, you run it’ mindset and allows you to integrate your AWS DevOps toolchain with the Atlassian Open DevOps experience.

Use cases:

AWS services and resource types:

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Integration Details

Develop with AWS (Compass) integrates with your Atlassian product. This remote service can:

  • Read Compass components.
  • Read Compass event data.
  • Read Compass metric data
  • Create, update and delete Compass components.