Ada AI Code Reviewer

for Jira Cloud
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Ada revolutionizes the code review process by analyzing code changes, offering valuable feedback, concise descriptions, and more

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Code Review & Pull Request Description

Open the Pull Request in Bitbucket and wait for the review.


Go to comment session or reply comment and type .ada following with your question. Click in Add Comment.


Go to your repository > Ada AI > Enable

More details

Ada's project was the winner of the biggest Atlassian Hackathon ever produced. In the Codegeist Unleashed 2023, it won 1st place in the Developer Experience category. This emphasizes how eager the community is for a solution that provides a code review process assisted by AI.

Having in mind this challenge and the demand, Ada AI provides Code Review Assistance through:

  • Create inline comments for the code changes as a Senior Developer
  • Create Pull Request description to help documentation
  • Interact during the whole process with the dev team. Just type .ada followed by your question in the comment session and Ada you assist you.

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Privacy policy

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Integration Details

Ada AI Code Reviewer integrates with your Atlassian product. This remote service can:

  • Allows viewing of pull requests, plus the ability to comment on pull requests.
  • Allows viewing of repository data.
  • Read and write to app storage service
  • Allows the ability to create, update, approve, and merge pull requests.