FAQ Basic for Confluence

for Confluence Cloud
77 installs
  • Unsupported
Free app

Shows your provided content as Questions and Answers in a typical FAQ style. The content can be edited directly in the app

Showing the data in FAQ style.

The main purpose of FAQ presentations is to show the questions in a clear form for the end user.To display the answer to a specific question, simply click on the text field of the question.

This is well known by users.

Configuration: Enter title and panel width

In the "Configuration mode" only the title and the panel width are edited.

Edit mode: Enter and modify data

This is quite easy:In the "Edit mode" (the Confluence page with the macro is shown and you click the pencil icon) you can add/modify the elements you want to show to the end user.

More details

The "Answers" to the "Questions" can be shown by clicking on the "up arrow".

Title and the width of the whole panel can be defined in the configuration phase.To edit your content there are serveral options to add, edit, move up/down the FAQ elements (Question + Answer).

Multiple FAQ Basic Macros can be placed on a Confluence page.


  • The macro is built on Forge!
  • Forge apps are fully hosted by Atlassian!
  • Security by design!

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy


Integration Details

FAQ Basic for Confluence integrates with your Atlassian product. This remote service can:

  • View the profile details for the currently logged-in user.
  • Read and write to app storage service