Microsoft Power Apps for Confluence

for Confluence Cloud
11 installs
  • Supported

Add Microsoft Power Apps to your Confluence page in seconds

Instantly embed into Confluence

Embed Microsoft Power Apps in your Confluence page by copy-pasting the app's URL.

Interactive no-code apps inside Confluence

Add functionalities to your Confluence pages with Microsoft Power Apps.

Power Apps keep their full interactivity when embedded in Confluence.

Also available for Jira issues and dashboards

Integrate Power Apps in your Atlassian workflow with Microsoft Power Apps for Jira and Confluence.

Avoid switching between different environments and get the most of your work.

More details

🔨 Built with Atlassian Forge 🔥

🌙 Dark Theme supported!


Easily embed Microsoft Power Apps in your Confluence page in a matter of seconds.

Also available for Jira 👉 here!


🚀 Get started easily with the User Guide!


✨ Highlights

  • Copy-paste your Power App into Confluence
  • Fully interactive Power Apps right where you need them
  • Instant App preview


🔒 Full GDPR and CCPA compliance

Under no circumstances do we or others have access to your data via this app.


🛡️ Presago apps are the industry benchmark for productivity integrations. Find out what makes them special to some of the world's leading companies.

Presago is an official Microsoft partner, trusted worldwide for the security and reliability of its integrations with Microsoft products.

We're CAIQ Lite compliant.


💬 Need help? Drop us a line! 👉 Presago Contact

We're available 24/7 to help with any issues, needs and questions.

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy
