Quick Undo for Jira

for Jira Data Center 8.17.0 - 9.17.1 and more
  • Supported
  • Jira

Take your mistakes back

We all sometimes post things we shouldn't...

Oh no, this comment contains the credit card number!

But now we can click "undo" and change it!

Well, it was probably a bad idea to include the credit card number, but thankfully I can undo it!

And then save the updated comment.

And the fixed comment is the only one that actually gets saved anywhere. Nothing bad happened. No PII leaked. Everything is safe.

More details

Have you ever posted a comment in Jira just to realize a moment later that you made a mistake or hit the button too soon? We are all guilty of this behavior. In fact this is perfectly normal an only human. However, while perectly understandable, it's usually still unfortunate. Yes, you can sometimes edit comments, but the notifications have already been sent to people, so it's too late to take your words back and undo the damage.

Well, not anymore! Quick Undo for Jira app allows users to quickly take back the comments and field edits they posted if they see some problems with them. It's possible to do after you added your comments or made edits, and the best part is that nobody will know that you even posted them. Pure magic at its finest. Give it a try today and see for yourself.

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