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Google SecOps for Jira Cloud

works with Jira Cloud

Free app



  • Partner Supported

Showing details for Cloud

Key highlights of the appBring Chronicle Alerts, Detections and IoCs to create corresponding Jira issues and track them easily in Jira

Chronicle App Configuration Page

The Jira admin user would be able to configure Chronicle credentials, scheduler, and data polling filters along with the Jira project in which issues would be created.

Issue Creation

The app would bring IoCs, Alerts, and Detections data from Chronicle and would create issues in Jira with the respective issue types.

Chronicle Enrichment

App provides a Chronicle Enrichment manual action. Users can enrich Jira issues with any of the following that would be added as part of the Issue comment:

IoC Details

List Events Discovered

List Asset Impacted

More details

This app brings alerts, IoCs, and detections from Chronicle into Jira Cloud based on configured filters and schedules to create Jira issues. It also provides a manual action to enrich Jira issues with IoC details, assets impacted or events discovered.

App Functionalities:

  • The app will automatically fetch Chronicle Alerts, Detections, or Indicators of compromise and create Jira issues corresponding to them at the user-configured schedule with information populated from Chronicle.
  • The issues would be created under custom issue types under the configured project separate for alerts, detections and IoCs.
  • The app also allows the user to do configurations related to filters, projects and schedules.
  • The app provides a manual action in the issues created by the app to bring data regarding assets that were impacted or the events that were discovered related to a particular Domain or IP address in the user-provided time frame and add the information in the Jira comment.


Privacy and Security

Privacy and security questionnaire has not been filled by the partner

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy

Security program

This app is not part of the Marketplace Bug Bounty program.

Integration permissions

Google SecOps for Jira Cloud integrates with your Atlassian product

Version information

Version 3.0.0for Jira Cloud

Release date
Feb 28th 2025
Required scopes changed

Required scopes changed:

  • Added: write:app-data:jira
Payment model
License type
Commercial - no charge