Actioner for pull request management in Slack

for Bitbucket Cloud
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Faster and better pull request reviews in ephemeral Slack channels

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End long-lasting pickup times and stale PRs

📊 Single-purpose ephemeral Slack channels for each PR

🧑🤝🧑 Assignee and reviewers are automatically invited to collaborate on PR review

💬 Faster and better comms with eliminated distraction

PR review channels ➡️

Always stay up-to-date at every PR update

🔔 Get notified when you are assigned to a PR

⚒️ Get informed when a pipeline is successful or fails

💬 Track all comments

📌 Use emojis to convert Slack conversations into PR comments

PR notifications ➡️

Broadcast commits to the main branch

💻 Utilize #bitbucket-updates channels to notify your engineers when a PR is committed to main branch

📣 Keep everyone informed of new deploys and when changes are rolled up into a release

Broadcast Bitbucket commits ➡️

More details

Bitbucket pull request management is tailored for Bitbucket PR reviews in Slack. Actioner connects to your Bitbucket & Slack and brings the best of PR management to your teams. Assignees and reviewers are invited to ephemeral Slack channels to collaborate on delivering faster and better code reviews. They can track pipeline runs and comments in Bitbucket, easily turn conversations into comments via 📌 emoji. When PR is closed, temp channel gets archived but stays accessible whenever your teams need to re-check any review. Actioner also updates #bitbucket-updates channel for new commit and allows your teams to track changes on main branch.

Actioner platform lets you to connect all your tool stack with Slack and build your own apps, without code. We provide seamless integrations, what we call Slack-first solutions. You can find them all in Actioner app directory. You can install an app, use it as is or customize it according to your needs.

👉 Visit to get started today!

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