
for Jira Cloud
16 installs
  • Supported
  • Jira Service Management
  • Jira
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Tag-A-Go Gamification

YouTube's thumbnail image for the video.

Accelerate user adoption through gamification!

The core feature of the Tag-A-Go plugin for Jira and JSM is to assign Rewards to Users based on JQL Filter results.

Admin - Setup Rewards

Get creative with Rewards! Dish out a monthly dinner with CEO, coffees, or kudos.

Admin - JQL Filters

Get creative with Filters! JQL (Jira Query Language) is used to identify Users eligible for awards.

More details

Once the Rewards and JQL Filters have been configured (see Admin Guide.), Rewards may be awarded to Users by following the steps below.

  • Step 1 - Select Reward
  • Step 2 - Select JQL Filter
  • Step 3 - Select Winning Algorithm (Top, Weighted Random, or Equal Chance Random)
  • Step 4 - Go! to run the Filter and Algorithm
  • Step 5 - Tag! the Winning User to the Reward

Check out the video here

This is the first publicly listed Forge plugin developed by iZeno. We're proud to announce that it currently ships free of charge and will include a grandfather clause to support early adopters should it grow into a paid product.

The idea for this plugin was driven by a customer's need to retain staff. This initial release offers a simple yet effective gamification solution to increase engagement around creative JQL filters, Rewards, and 'Winner' algorithms.

Please help grow the plugin by submitting feedback on our support portal.

Also, please refer to our user and admin guides for more info.

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy


Integration Details

Tag-A-Go integrates with your Atlassian product. This remote service can:

  • Take Jira administration actions (e.g. create projects and custom fields, view workflows, manage issue link types).
  • View user information in Jira that the user has access to, including usernames, email addresses, and avatars.
  • Read Jira project and issue data, search for issues, and objects associated with issues like attachments and worklogs.
  • View the profile details for the currently logged-in user.