SqlDBM for Jira

by SqlDBM
for Jira Cloud
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  • Supported
  • Jira
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SqlDBM users can link project changes and comments to Jira tickets

Data model tied to Jira tickets for traceability

Data model changes tied to related Jira tickets for full traceability

Link to Jira tickets directly from team comments

Link to Jira tickets directly from team comments

Jump from Jira to related project changes

Jump from Jira to related project changes

More details

SqlDBM for Jira enables users:

Link SqlDBM project changes and comments to Jira tickets

  • Data model changes tied to related Jira tickets for full traceability.

Linking to related Jira tickets and issues ties project changes to the relevant business context and audit trails. The integration will allow users to jump from a revision straight to a Jira ticket and vice versa - even from diagram comments.

  • Link to Jira tickets directly from team comments

Linking to Jira tickets from team comments saves time by ensuring that related documentation and requirements are a click away.

  • Jump from Jira to related project changes

Linking Jira tickets to revisions allows users to go directly from the Jira ticket to the associated change in a SqlDBM project. Revision linking is a quick way to assess the impact of the change using "Compare Revisions" and "Alter Script"

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Integration Details

SqlDBM for Jira integrates with your Atlassian product. This remote service can:

  • Write data to the host application
  • Read data from the host application