FeiShu for Jira

for Jira Data Center 8.0.0 - 9.17.1 and more
  • Supported
  • Jira
  • Supports Mobile

Integrates FeiShu and JIRA, and users can access JIRA and receive notifications on FeiShu app

FeiShu mobile terminal configuration

Through mobile terminal configuration, establish the connection between JIRA and FeiShu, test the connection and synchronize FeiShu members

FeiShu user binding configuration

Through binding settings, FeiShu users are associated with JIRA users. After association, FeiShu users can directly log in and access without entering user / password.

FeiShu access to JIRA system main interface

With friendly interface and convenient operation, users can access JIRA on the mobile terminal.

More details

This plugin makes office more convenient and efficient. You can do the following in FeiShu App:

  • Create issue / edit issue.
  • Project search.
  • Issue status tracking (complete, cancel, change, etc.).
  • Issue content retrieval.
  • Change the user's profile picture.
  • Change home page filter display.
  • Message notification function, issue status approval, status change, and other sensitive operations will be timely notified to the designated user.

Jira 飞书插件让办公更便捷高效。您可在飞书 App 中:

  • 创建/编辑问题。
  • 项目搜索。
  • 问题状态跟踪(完成、取消、更改等)。
  • 问题内容检索。
  • 更改用户的个人资料图片。
  • 更改主页过滤器显示。
  • 消息通知功能、问题状态审批、状态变更、评论@用户等敏感操作会及时通知指定用户。

# 中文用户手册

# 我们可以免费或以极低的价格将此应用程序与一些第 3 方应用程序和您自己的特殊系统集成。 请联系我们获取更多信息(customer@shdsd.com)。

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy
