Space Content Manager - find and replace, label manager

for Confluence Cloud
  • Supported

A suite of tools for bulk Confluence content management - find and replace text, label manager, link manager, title prefix/suffix

Find and replace

Across a space or a single page:

• find and replace text

• find and delete text

• convert to UPPER or lower case

• replace all or part of URL (admin only)

Supports spaces whether 1 or 100,001 pages.

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Label manager, link manager, title prefix/suffix

• label manager: add, delete, merge, rename, replace labels (learn more)

• link manager: bulk edit links (learn more)

• add page title prefix/suffix (learn more)

Improve document management and compliance control.

Access control per feature

Flexibility to control access on your terms. System administrators can:

• disable any feature across Confluence instance

• limit any feature by space

• limit any feature by group

• limit any feature by user

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More details

A suite of tools to bulk manage content across spaces to maintain documentation quality.

Robust security. All data remains within your Confluence instance. 100% built in Atlassian’s new Forge development platform.

Administrators are in full control. They can disable or restrict any feature by space, group or user.

Built to work for spaces whether 10 or 10,000 pages.

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Bulk edit across a space:

  • Find and replace: text on multiple pages or a single page in one action, even convert text to UPPER case or lower case
  • Label manager: bulk add, delete, merge, rename, replace
  • Page prefix/suffix: add prefix and suffix to page title
  • Link manager: revert smart links to display URL or URL links to display inline



This app offers additional security, reliability, and support through:

  • Cloud security participation
  • Reliability checks
  • 24hr support response time
  • and more.

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy


Integration Details

Space Content Manager - find and replace, label manager integrates with your Atlassian product. This remote service can:

  • View content permission in Confluence.
  • Read a summary of the content, which is the content without expansions. Note, APIs using this scope may also return data allowed by read:confluence-space.summary. However, this scope is not a substitute for read:confluence-space.summary.
  • View user information in Confluence that you have access to, including usernames, email adresses and profile pictures.
  • View details regarding content and its associated properties.
