Multi-project & Multi-level Hierarchy to scale

for Jira Cloud
  • Supported
  • Jira

Scale your projects in multiple level hierarchies up to your enterprise top-level and focus on business initiatives and main goals

Configure your enterprise hierarchy levels

Lower-level projects' none-epic issues synchronize their estimates and status updates in the background to all higher levels. This automatism ensures standardized reporting at all levels without additional manual effort

Top-down or bottom-up like you want and need

Delegate a high-level initiative to a lower-level action or associate a lower-level project's task to a higher-level enterprise epic: build hierarchies to break down business strategies/requirements over multiple levels

Overview cockpit and drill-down over all levels

The overview cockpit on each project level shows aggregated figures over all lower hierarchy levels and an easy drill-down to all associated issues. You can configure the displayed fields, including traffic-light fields

More details

You have started with an agile team, making your experiences and become more professional. Others want to do the same, and multiple agile teams are working in parallel now. How do you get an overview and manage them? How do you scale?

Just create a steering project as a higher-level project and configure your team projects below: using agile@scale, you will get a cockpit for progress, costs, and benefits.

You define your company strategies on the C-level, but how will that be broken down to the departments and team levels? How do you track that within multiple projects?

Build a hierarchy representing your business levels and associate all existing issues and activities to initiatives (bottom-up) or delegate an enterprise epic to a lower level by creating related activities within the selected lower-level project. On the provided cockpit, you'll get an overview of all associated activities within multiple projects.

Start using agile@scale to bring your projects to the enterprise level!

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Integration Details

Multi-project & Multi-level Hierarchy to scale integrates with your Atlassian product. This remote service can:

  • Take Jira administration actions (e.g. create projects and custom fields, view workflows, manage issue link types).
  • Create and edit project settings and create new project-level objects (e.g. versions and components).
  • View user information in Jira that the user has access to, including usernames, email addresses, and avatars.
  • Read Jira project and issue data, search for issues, and objects associated with issues like attachments and worklogs.