Page Owner

by Grovr
for Confluence Cloud
  • Supported

Easily see who owns and is responsible for every Confluence page

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Easily see and update who owns a Confluence Page

Allows you to select a Page Owner for each Confluence page which is displayed right next to the Page Creator. Can also display a configurable Additional Status.

View Reports on who Owns which Pages

Various reports are available to see who Owns which Pages, which Pages have no Owner. Can be filtered by Space and can also display Confluence Page Status and an Additional Status

Configure and display an Additional Status

You can optionally setup a fully configurable Additional Status to also be displayed and edited on each Page. This can also be reported on in the various reports.

More details

Please note, this App was designed before Atlassian changed the Creator of a page in Confluence to be the Owner of the page and allowed you to change the Owner. This app does not allow to change the “Owned by” referred to by Confluence but instead adds a new piece of data. We have released a new App to provide similar functionality but which works with the updated Owned By field Page Owner Tools and Reports.

Displays the Owner of the Page on every Confluence page and allows you to easily update it.

Various reports are available to show who owns which Pages and which Pages do not have owners. These reports can also display the Page Status.

Also allows setting of an Additional Status on each page which can also be reported on.

Toggleable setting to default all Page Owners to be the Page Creator.

Toggleable ability to add a comment telling someone they are now the Page Owner, disabled by default. Please see the documentation for how to enable this feature.

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy


Integration Details

Page Owner integrates with your Atlassian product. This remote service can:

  • View details regarding content and its associated properties.
  • View properties associated with a content.
  • View user details.
  • Read and write to app storage service