Smart Default Tasks for Pull Requests

for Bitbucket Data Center 6.7.0 - 8.19.9 and more
4 installs
  • Supported

Automate and standardize pull request tasks based on intelligent rules. Consider the context and define customized default tasks

Standardize the development process

Configure default tasks, which are created automatically when a pull request is created or opened again. The configuration can be created on repository, project or system admin level and inherited accordingly.

Conditional task creation

Decide in which cases you want to have which tasks created. There are different conditions available. Tasks can be created depending on the source branch, target branch, forking, user names/groups.

Created directly with the pull request

The default tasks are created directly with the pull request. The comment, on which the tasks are attached, as well as the user, which creates the tasks, can be configured.

More details

The Default Tasks for Pull Requests is a Bitbucket plugin that has the goal to configure default tasks for pull requests. Not only the tasks themselves can be configured, but also various conditions under which these tasks should be created. So it is possible to create tasks at creation and at reopening of a pull request. It is also possible to create tasks not only depending on an event, but also conditionally based on pull request author, reviewers, target branch, source branch and much more.

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