Pull Request Checklist Buddy for Bitbucket

for Bitbucket Cloud, Bitbucket Data Center 7.21.0 - 9.1.1 and more
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Powerful and context-dependent pull request checklists with default tasks

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Trackable and auditable PR templates

The app creates default tasks for manual work like preparing release notes, testing or updating public docs that should be done before merging a pull request.

Conditional tasks based on files & branches in PR

Different pull requests warrant different review tasks. Within a simple configuration file, define tasks based on conditional rules (the source or destination branch or file types of your PRs). Also supports monorepos!

Enforce compliance with merge checks

Use Bitbucket's merge checks to require task completion. Best practices or standard company policies are integrated in daily work and raises dev productivity. Prevent mistakes like merging local configs or credentials.

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  • Context-dependent checklists for reviewing and auditing Pull Requests
  • File-based and low-maintenance configuration within an easy-to-version PRCHECKLIST file
  • online Checklist editor to configure the app with an easy-to-use GUI

🗣️ Why choose this app?

“A life saver! I've had tools before who create checklists from the DoD, but in practice people ignore it because it's often not relevant. With this tool, you can create checklists depending on what files have changed, so checks are only generated when actually relevant.” Cristian M. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

💡Use cases

Example checklists for:

🔥 Other platforms

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Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy


Integration Details

Pull Request Checklist Buddy for Bitbucket integrates with your Atlassian product. This remote service can:

  • Ability to see all the user's account information
  • Read access to pull requests and collaborate on them
  • Read access to all the repositories the authorizing user has access to