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Last modified 2021-11-25 0 downloads By Infosysta Apps


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Create tickets for all Facebook page interactions

Facebook connector for Jira allows you to use Jira as a unified help desk for all your Facebook page interactions which will enhance the support requests accessibility

Boost your response time on Facebook

You will be able to reply on all interactions from Jira using your Facebook page account

Customers replies reflected as Jira comments

When the customer replies to your comment it will be automatically reflected as Jira comment on the same ticket which includes the first interaction

More details


**All these features are coming soon, we are still waiting for Facebook Business Manager approval**

Get the most out of Facebook Connector for Jira

  • Link one or more Facebook account with the related Jira Service Management project
  • Create Jira tickets automatically from Facebook user interactions on your page such as writing a post, adding comments on your posts, mentioning your page or sending a message
  • Reply on all interactions from your Jira service management by adding Jira comments
  • See all user’s replies as Jira comments on the ticket
  • Add transitions to Jira tickets

Version history