Videos for Confluence

for Confluence Data Center 8.0.0 - 8.7.2 and more
  • Supported

Make your Confluence into a media platform - without blowing up the network or local file system

YouTube's thumbnail image for the video.

Organize videos throughout Confluence

Get an overview of the videos available globally or in your space. Search for and filter videos by categories, target groups, languages and labels. Uploading new videos is as easy as it gets.

Natively embed your videos on Confluence pages

An easy-to-use macro allows for videos to be included and streamed on any page.

Choose your video storage

Videos often exceed the globally configured file size limit, and you really don’t want them to clutter up the file system. Offload videos to a more suitable and cost-efficient storage option.

More details

⭐️ Latest feature: Support for Podcasts 🎤 and other audio files ⭐️

Make your Confluence into a media platform - without blowing up the network or local file system.

  • Let users upload videos to a dedicated local file system or an AWS S3 Bucket* (more cloud options to come)
  • Organize videos within your space and globally
  • Natively embed videos on your Confluence pages

🎬 Check out our series of screencasts illustrating the usage and the administration / configuration of Videos for Confluence:

🔥 If you prefer to test it on your own, feel free to visit our sandbox: Use bitperium:bitperium to log in, e.g. in order to upload an own video.

* Please note: If an AWS S3 Bucket is configured for the storage of your video files, additional charges will be incurred by Amazon Web Services.

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A beautiful video hub fully integrated in your Confluence.