mO Crowd Two Factor Authentication (2FA) | Crowd 2FA

for Crowd Server 3.7.0 - 5.2.4, Crowd Data Center 3.7.0 - 5.2.4 and more
21 installs

We no longer offer sales and support for server apps. You can stay connected by exploring the migration options to either the cloud or Data Center version of this app.


Version 3.3.0Crowd Server 3.7.0 - 5.2.4

Released: Apr 1st 2024


UI improvements and fixes


  • Improved the User Interface of the plugin configuration pages
  • Added troubleshooting tab support in the ‘Access to 2FA pages to non-admin users’ feature
  • Made plugin pages more responsive to large usernames and emails – user management page, audit logs page, and all end users' pages.