Visualize with Code / AWS (Jira)

for Jira Cloud
40 installs
  • Supported
  • Jira Service Management
  • Jira

Visualization as code – maintain and render declarative charts and diagrams alongside your Jira issues

YouTube's thumbnail image for the video.

Use your favorite visualization languages

Choose from a growing variety of declarative languages to match your use case, for example Vega and Vega-lite, PlantUML (incl. AWS, Azure, C4, Kubernetes architectures), Mermaid, Graphviz, and Svgbob – powered by Kroki.

Maintain declarative charts and diagrams as code

Maintain simple charts and diagrams as text inline or reference more complex visualizations as code from a remote URL, for example version controlled in a Git repository or an Amazon S3 bucket.

Update visualizations via automated processes

Update remote diagrams via automated processes to effectively embed live data in Jira issues, for example with AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) apps.

More details

Visualize with Code / AWS allows you to use a variety of declarative chart and diagram rendering engines to visualize any kind of data.

It provides a Jira issue panel to render one or more visualizations alongside your user stories, for example an architecture diagram via Mermaid or PlantUML.

Diagrams can be provided and edited inline, or referenced via URL for more complex or dynamically updating charts and diagrams. Currently supported visualizations are:

Based on your feedback, we would like to expand the feature set over time – let us know what you like to see next:

  • More diagram types, e.g. Charts.xkcd, Excalidraw, Mingrammer diagrams, and Wardley maps
  • More native storage options like attachments, Amazon S3, and Git
  • Interactive visualizations
  • Dedicated data sources
  • Self-hosted diagram engines on AWS for ultimate flexibility and privacy

Need anything else? Let us know!

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Integration Details

Visualize with Code / AWS (Jira) integrates with your Atlassian product. This remote service can:

  • Read Jira project and issue data, search for issues, and objects associated with issues like attachments and worklogs.
  • Create and edit issues in Jira, post comments as the user, create worklogs, and delete issues.


An example diagram provided inline and rendered by Vega – it visualizes the Atlassian product page messaging using a word cloud.