Multiple Excerpts & Include Macros

for Confluence Cloud
  • Supported

Multiexcerpt: add multiple excerpts in Confluence across pages & spaces. Works like excerpt macro but provides extra flexibility

Use excerpts to avoid duplicate information

Multiple Excerpts macro allows defining each excerpt with a unique key.

It means each excerpt can be included in other pages independently, as well as several of them in one page.

Include multiple excerpts in a single page

You can pull information from a page or several pages. Use 'Multiple Excerpts Include' macro to include as many excerpts as needed. Each excerpt is identified by their key, there is no limit on number of excerpts.

Reuse content across teams

It supports defining excerpts & including them across spaces. You can reuse content curated by other teams. When the content is updated, it will be also updated everywhere. No more outdated information.

More details

Easily add multiple excerpts in your Confluence documentation. Reuse content across pages to avoid duplicates and redundant information.

It works like default Excerpt & Excerpt Include Macros but allows including more than one excerpt in a page.

- Add multiple excerpts in a Confluence page

- Excerpt can be pulled from same page or different pages

- It is not limited to single Confluence space

If you find any issue, please contact support using our Jira Service Desk or via email at

Also, check our other Confluence apps 👇

Markdown Exporter | HTML Macro | LaTeX Math - Formula & Equations 🚀

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy


Integration Details

Multiple Excerpts & Include Macros integrates with your Atlassian product. This remote service can:

  • Act on a user's behalf, even when the user is offline
  • Read data from the host application


Add Excerpt with key (key is unique per page)