Structure.Deliver by Tempo - Agile Project Forecasting

for Jira Server 9.4.0 - 9.17.2, Jira Data Center 9.4.0 - 9.17.2 and more
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  • Jira Service Management
  • Jira

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Know your capabilities. Plan effectively. Deliver results! Reliable project forecasting for Agile teams

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Know your capabilities

Jira contains a wealth of data about past projects and team performance. Structure.Deliver helps you mine that data to understand the past as it relates to future project plans.

Plan effectively

Armed with insights about the organization's capabilities, project management leaders can build more reliable plans to guide team success.

Deliver results!

By using Structure.Deliver throughout a project's lifecycle, you'll be able to refine forecasted outcomes, drive decisions early, and manage leadership's expectations with dependable, reliable, substantiated forecasts.

More details

Structure.Deliver by Tempo is an agile project forecasting app that helps teams coordinate around changing scope, so you can set specific timelines and generate more reliable plans. The result? Improved predictability, flexibility, and on-time performance.

"From my perspective, Structure.Deliver offers tremendous value and is a great addition to the Structure product family. It fills a void in the Jira enterprise agility journey by enabling project managers to more easily coordinate senior management's long-term plans while letting agile teams be agile."

- Nelson Jordan, Head of Agile Transformation, Adaptavist

Download a free trial version today!


  • This is the Jira Server version. It is also available for Jira Data Center.
  • This product requires Structure by Tempo (version 6.5+), which is sold separately.

Looking for more ways to extend Structure? Check out our most popular Structure extension, Structure.Gantt!

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