Usage Statistics for Confluence

for Confluence Cloud
1,106 installs
  • Supported

Make Confluence work for you: Understand the dynamics of your Confluence spaces over time

YouTube's thumbnail image for the video.

Space activity overview

Visualize space activity with detailed charts and statistics. Leverage these insights for better decision-making and effective content management.

Contributor and content insights

Identify top contributors and most active content. Understand their impact on space dynamics to enhance collaboration and optimize your Confluence space.

Comprehensive metrics in one macro

Customize your Confluence experience by selecting key metrics. Monitor neglected content, track growth trends, and prioritize updates to keep your space fresh and engaging.

More details

Managing multiple Confluence spaces can be challenging, this is why a quick overview is super useful. Usage Statistics for Confluence simplifies it all by providing effortless access to 17 key metrics directly through the sidebar:

⭐ Number of Pages

⭐ Number of Blog Posts

⭐ Number of Attachments

⭐ Number of Space Watchers

⭐ Most Recently Edited Pages

⭐ Most Recently Resolved Tasks

⭐ Most Recently Created Tasks

⭐ Dustiest Pages

⭐ Latest Comments

⭐ Top Contributors

⭐ Attachment Types

⭐ Biggest Attachments

⭐ Content Created in the Last Six Months

⭐ Content Growth Over the Last Six Months

⭐ Most Used Labels

⭐ Most Active Content

⭐ Most Popular Content

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Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy


Integration Details

Usage Statistics for Confluence integrates with your Atlassian product. This remote service can:

  • View analytics for content. Note that this does not provide access to the content itself.
  • View details regarding content and its associated properties.
  • View all contents, such as pages, blogposts, whiteboards, databases, Smart Links, folders, comments, and attachments.
  • View details regarding spaces and their associated properties.