AWS SSO ALB & Amazon Authentication: Confluence + User Sync

for Confluence Server 7.1.1 - 8.9.4, Confluence Data Center 7.1.1 - 8.9.4 and more
  • Supported

Authenticate, create, and update users in Confluence using HTTP headers sent by Amazon AWS Load Balancer for maximum security

Top Security on Confluence with AWS SSO

Use Authentication HTTP headers sent by Amazon AWS Load balancers and your IdP for user management. Simplify your user provisioning and deprovisioning, and add an extra layer of security to your Confluence Instance.

AWS with User Sync: Auto User & Group Provisioning

Provision & deprovision users effortlessly.

-Just-In-Time: Create & update users with the login claims forwarded by AWS ALB

-Connect Confluence to your IdP to sync users

-More functionalities than LDAP user provisioning

Connect your IdP = Seamless Login Experience

Connect your OpenID Connect (OIDC) or leverage Amazon Cognito to connect with SAML compliant IdPs:

Google, Okta, Keycloak, Salesforce, Slack, Facebook, Github, Azure AD, Gitlab, Meetup and more.

More details

AWS Features:

  • Quick installation for popular idPs with predefined templates
  • Built-In User Provisioning with UserSync
    • Just-In-Time: Create or update users when they log in with data sent by the load balancer or fetched from your IdP
    • Automatically sync or update users manually
    • Automatically deactivate users and reactivate on log in

Includes User Directory Sync

  • Ensure every user has the right permissions
  • Automatically sync or trigger them manually
    • Deactivate users to save licenses

Privacy and security

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Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy



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