
for Bitbucket Cloud
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Bitbucket Cloud

Released: Nov 17th 2020


Version 6.0.0


With CodeScene you cover both technical analyses as well as organizational information like team coupling in code and key personnel dependencies. CodeScene's sweet spot is to prioritize technical debt based on the likely business impact. CodeScene also act as a quality gate to supervise the code health of hotspots in pull requests. The visualizations in CodeScene make all this information easily accessible to all your stakeholders.

CodeScene lets you analyse code in multiple repositories and supports all major programming languages. More than 25 languages and constantly increasing.

Base your decisions on data using CodeScene. It is a tactical tool and the analyses have evolved from the book Software Design X-Rays: Fix Technical Debt with Behavioral Code Analysis.

CodeScene is a business intelligence tool for code that gives developers actionable insights continuously and help technical leaders build situational awareness of their code. This results in truly effective development teams.


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