Sleuth for Bitbucket

by Sleuth
for Bitbucket Cloud
  • Unsupported

Remove the barriers between pull request and deployment with Sleuth

YouTube's thumbnail image for the video.

Track your deploys over time

Sleuth for Bitbucket models your deploy history and impact to customers.

Detailed view of what goes into a deploy

Sleuth for Bitbucket pulls together your commit history, PRs, issues, feature flags, and more for a single detailed view into what's changing and why.

Rich Slack notifications

Real-time Slack notifications fine-tuned to only the information you care about. Consolidate all your DevOps-related notifications into a single, powerful channel.

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy
