Agile Tools-Epic Tree, Links Tree, Time in Status & Worklogs

by RVS
for Jira Cloud, Jira Server 7.1.0 - 9.15.2, Jira Data Center 7.1.0 - 9.17.3 and more
1,305 installs
  • Supported
  • Jira Service Management
  • Jira

Five-in-one add-on. Jira Epic Sum up, Links Hierarchy with rolled up estimates, Time in Status reports, Worklogs & Time Tracking

Epic / Links / Portfolio / Roadmaps Hierarchy

View of Issue Hierarchy in a tree.

View the full Jira Issue Type hierarchy of Linked issues, Portfolio/Advanced Roadmaps, Epics, and Subtasks up to 10 levels.

Sum up Time Spent, Org Estimate, Time Rmng, % Complete

Time in Status Reports & JSON export to Power BI

Track your bottleneck Issues & Processes with many report types. Identify the issues which are taking more time, and take appropriate actions.

JSON feed to export your reports to Power BI for Sr Mgmnt reporting

Worklogs & Timesheets

Work log report data within a specific date range for different projects.

Group, categorize and filter the data.

Export to Excel.

Timesheet to view and enter time spent for all your issues from a single place

More details

Epic/Links Hierarchy, Portfolio/Advanced Roadmaps Hierarchy, Time in Status, Worklog reports, Timesheets all in one plugin !!

Key features

  • Epic Hierarchy / Links Hierarchy
    • Epic Sum up / Links based sum up - Roll up for Time estimates and Story Points
    • Choice of fields (including custom)
    • Rollup of all number fields
    • Group By fields
    • Excel export
    • Progress % on "remaining estimate" or "original estimates"
    • Include all issue types vs only Stories in Story Points roll up
    • Support for custom names for Epic & Story fields
  • Multiple Time in Status reports
    • Report Types
      • Time/Avg Time in Status
      • Time/Avg Time with Assignee
      • Time in Status with Assignee
      • Time with Assignee per Status
      • Status/Assignee Count
    • Configurable working hours/days
    • Excel export
    • Grouped statuses
    • Chart view
  • Worklogs Report : Filter/Categorize/Group By your worklogs data
  • Timesheets : View/Enter time spent from a single place
  • Issue screen
    • Status/Assignee transitions
    • Epic Tree on Issue Screen
  • Dashboard gadgets

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Integration Details

Agile Tools-Epic Tree, Links Tree, Time in Status & Worklogs integrates with your Atlassian product. This remote service can:

  • Act on a user's behalf, even when the user is offline
  • Delete data from the host application
  • Write data to the host application
  • Read data from the host application


Quick Summary Bars to get bird's eye view of your projects