Jenkins Build & Deployment for Jira

for Jira Server 7.6.1 - 8.2.1 and more

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Integrate Jira and Jenkins! We offer a simple way to manage development process from build to deployment in Jira

YouTube's thumbnail image for the video.

Control your development pipeline with approval

Only authorized manager can approve the job. Organize your development process by approval system.

Keep monitoring the history of all updates

View all history of updates that have been made in an issue. ex) Who approve the job, Which field is updated,,,

Build or deploy multiple jobs at once in Jira

One or more Jenkins Jobs can be managed to a Jira issue. Manage your jobs at once and reduce the overlapping workload.

More details

All you need to do is just select Jenkins jobs in Jira. No more manual creation of Jenkins projects. We automatically connect Jenkins information including the parameters of a job to Jira issue.

Main Feature:

  • Associate Jira issue to multiple Jenkins jobs.
  • Automatically connect Jenkins parameters to Jira.
  • Add an approval to your job and control the development process.
  • Keep track of all changes of the development process
  • Build and deploy multiple jobs at once
  • Visualize all the status of build/deployment in Jira issue.

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