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ReqIF extension for Requirement Yogi

works with Confluence Server 7.19.0 - 7.20.3




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Key highlights of the appImport ReqIF documents into Requirement Yogi

Import ReqIF documents

ReqIF is an open XML standard. Integrate those documents with Requirement Yogi in Confluence.

Define mappings

Map each requirement type and property. Dependencies are not imported.


Open-source. Download and edit this reference implementation to support your own requirement importer!

More details

This tool is a demonstration of the Requirement Yogi public API. It requires Requirement Yogi (sold separately). Features:

  • Import ReqIF documents,
  • Define mappings to create requirements,
  • Reference those requirements from other Confluence pages.
  • Dependencies are supported (one-way),
  • RY Baselines are supported,
  • Requirements can be mentioned from Jira.


  • Internal dependencies in ReqIF are ignored,
  • Only text formats are supported for data types,
  • This plugin implements 80% of the use cases, but this is not an entire implementation of the ReqIF specification.




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  • This app is not part of the Marketplace Bug Bounty program.

Version information

We no longer offer sales and support for server apps. You can still explore the earlier versions but these may not offer the necessary support.

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