Quantum::Estimation - Estimates for JIRA

for Jira Server 7.13.0 - 8.21.1, Jira Data Center 8.0.0 - 9.16.1 and more
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  • Supported
  • Jira Service Management
  • Jira

Get richer insights into estimations. Follow scientific best practices to improve accuracy. Easy estimation for distributed teams

Scientific approach

Follow scientific best practices by leveraging advanced estimation techniques as PERT or interval estimation. Get trust in your estimations: Analyze estimate distribution to understand the team's confidence.

Configurable Estimation Process

Design and standardize your process to ensure quality estimations across teams. Fully supports remote teams, agile teams, and Kanban. Select who to estimate and monitor progress to bring out the best of your team.

Resource Management

Leverage team-based estimates to manage team capacity. Estimate various resource types as effort, duration, or costs. Map the estimation results to Jira time tracking, story points, or any other custom field.

More details

High-quality estimates are hard; here is why:

  • Low-quality inputs based on unclear requirements often "survive" and create top-down pressure in later phases of the project.
  • In the early stages of projects, teams do not understand the domain and the dependencies well enough, resulting in a lack of accuracy and low confidence in the estimation.
  • The team or the subject matter experts may not be in place just yet.


  • Approach estimations as a science, work with ranges, and continuously refine your estimates.
  • Measure the quality of your estimates and define an estimation process that works for your organization.
  • Establish feedback loops based on metrics to train and calibrate your team to become better estimators.
  • Quick-Estimate: Estimation mode to support agile teams in estimation ceremonials such as planning poker.

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Create resource-based estimations on the JIRA issue by defining custom resources. Map estimations to JIRA custom fields by mapping the previously defined resources.