Meetical Meetings for Confluence (Outlook / Google Calendar)

for Confluence Cloud, Confluence Data Center 8.0.0 - 8.9.6 and more
670 installs
  • Supported

Improve team efficiency with meeting notes automation and easy calendar integrations for Google Calendar and Microsoft 365

YouTube's thumbnail image for the video.

Create Meeting Notes from your Calendar

Create Confluence Meeting Pages from your Calendar with our Microsoft Outlook Add-in.

Save time and keep meeting information automatically up-to-date.

Looking for Cloud?

Save time with consistent and reliable information

All meeting event details are automatically copied and synced with Confluence, including date, time, location, the attendee list and their RSVP status.

The page and calendar event are linked for fast and easy access.

Templates & Macros to include calendar event info

Use templates and amazing new macros!

Define default templates, labels and multiple parent pages for each space to stay organised and productive.

More details

Looking for the Cloud version?


  • Speed up the process to create, find and share Confluence Meeting Notes from you team calendar
  • Drastically reduce the delay to distribute agenda and meeting minutes
  • Don't miss any action items or forget what you already decided in past meetings

How it works:

  • Connect Microsoft Outlook Exchange with Confluence
  • Create pages for agendas and meeting minutes directly from your calendar
  • Sync attendees, date, time, location etc. from your team's calendar
  • Create custom Meeting Templates with new Confluence macros or customise the templates

Important Info:

  • Please reach out for Microsoft 365 Integration
  • The Data Center version of Meetical Meetings currently only supports Microsoft Exchange On-Prem and Exchange Online (EWS API required) see Microsoft Exchange integration for Confluence.
  • Data Center version currently does not ship with an integrated calendar and does not support automation.

For any questions please reach out to us.



This app offers additional security, reliability, and support through:

  • Cloud security participation
  • Reliability checks
  • 24hr support response time
  • and more.

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy



Now with Exchange Calendar Integration