SVG Chart Macro for Confluence

works with Confluence Server 6.0.1 - 7.17.5 and more
2 installs

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aesthetic chart macro for Confluence


Simple insert table or csv file

Quick switch chart types

One click can change to a different chart type


clear and aesthetic

More details

  • Developed by using billboard.js / D3js
  • Easy to use. Simply upload a csv file or insert a table in the macro body
  • Generate charts based on data from the tables
  • CSV file can be used as data source when creating a chart
  • Generate charts from SQL
  • Data orientation can be row or column
  • Multiple SVG chart types, including pie chart, donut chart, line chart, bar chart, area chart, step chart and bubble chart
  • Quick switch among different chart types.
  • Support combination chart

Please note that this Macro does not support Internet Explorer browser. Recommended browsers are Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox or Safari.

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support combination chart