Hidden Fragment Macro

by Evoja
for Confluence Cloud, Confluence Server 6.4.2 - 7.20.3 and more
149 installs
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Free app

Create fragments on Confluence pages visible for the specified users only

Edit mode

You can define macro body in edit mode. Also you can pick users and groups who will see the body. Everyone who can edit page can see macro body in edit mode.

Authorized view

If user is member of specified group or if user is specified directly in macro parameters then body contents are displayed

Annonymous access mode

User who are not in list (as long as anonymous users) will see nothing

More details

Create fragments on Confluence pages which are invisible for the specified users. Other details:

  • Define macro body in edit mode
  • Users with rights to edit page can see macro body in edit mode
  • Users who are not in the specified group will not see the fragment

Improve your productivity with other Evoja tool - Personal Notes for Jira: store privately notes to remember the issue context but not to distract other team members.

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy


Integration Details

Hidden Fragment Macro integrates with your Atlassian product. This remote service can:

  • Act on a user's behalf, even when the user is offline
  • Read data from the host application