Epic Timeline

for Jira Cloud, Jira Server 8.1.0 - 9.4.26, Jira Data Center 8.1.0 - 10.0.1 and more
40 installs
  • Supported
  • Jira

Plan or track Epics in progress by visualizing them on a sprint calendar

Track your board Epics with their Sprints

Get Birdseye view on the timeline of the Epics progress, based on the Epic’s issues sprints.Now you can see how many sprints it will take to finalise the Epics work. See if the Epic Due date meets the stories sprint date

Epic Drill-down view

Click on the Epic to see its issues and the involved Sprints. Get better understanding about the Epic work schedule. Get visual information about stories which were moved to the following sprint.

Control your Epic Timeline view

Select the number of sprints you want to focus on, ability to filter Epic according to their status – so you can focus on the Epics that matter the most.

More details

See all the board Epics visualized in a work gantt chart calendar view (Sprints).

You can view the roll-up of progress for each Epic (count of how many issues are completed).

Drill down the Roadmap on a specific Epic to see its details, to focus on its issues with the issues view and see which issue participate on which sprint.

View which Epics has issues still left in the backlog.

See if there are epic related issues that are still in the backlog

You can see Epics that have issues in multiple sprints

You can see Issues that were not completed in a sprint and continued in other sprint

Filter by Epic status

Ability to filter only relevant sprints (# sprints prior to current)

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy


Integration Details

Epic Timeline integrates with your Atlassian product. This remote service can:

  • Act on a user's behalf, even when the user is offline
  • Administer the host application
  • Administer Jira projects
  • Delete data from the host application


View your program plan, and control your progress