To check known issues (or if you want to file one), view this app's issue tracker.
To learn more about the app, you should:
- Read the documentation.
- Look around the forums.
This is a supported app, so you may contact the vendor (or support contact) for help:
Test Suites
- Deadline to analyze automation failures
- QA Ownership
- Priority
t-Triage Kanban
Workflow to determine automated test failure
- Move to Triage Done when the test was analyzed (triaged)
- New Fail: Tests have always passed and now failed
- New Pass: Tests that have been failing and now pass
Test Analysis
- Test info, screenshots, logs
- Test relations (dejavu tests / dejavu errors)
- Past executions, past conclusions and comments
- Triage Action: Indicate why it has failed.
More details
- Jenkins
- Bamboo
- Junit
- Testng
- Selenium
- Protractor
- And more
t-Triage doesn't require changes on your code
and SOLVES these situations:
- To distinguish when multiple failures are a bug or a flaky test.
- Uncertainty about whether a test failure has been analyzed.
- Losing corporate knowledge behind test failures and fixes.
- if you make less tests because your automation result analysis is taking more time.
- If you are not confident that every required test has been executed for an specific deadline.
- When the list to fix an automation ticket does not exist, or has not been ordered.
- When the distribution of test suits among automators is not equitable.
- If your metrics do not reflect the sense of automation stability and growth perfectly.
- When your automated tests find product bugs that are not immediately detected by automators.
Version history
1.0.0-SNAPSHOTJira Server 6.0 - 8.7.12020-02-25Release version Version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT • Released 2020-02-25 • Supported By t-Triage Clarolab • Free • Commercial - no chargeNo release notes.