Time tracking - Budget monitoring & Reporting

for Jira Cloud
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Easy project budget monitoring Quick & effective across various systems

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Well-organized project reports in one place

All your projects from external systems are displayed in the Timesheet tab. You can view, group and filter the hours worked as needed.

User monthly & weekly reporting system

All users can view their monthly or weekly reports on the hours worked/reported. The view can be set to certain month or week.

Time reporting directly from external systems

The integrated native plug-ins allow you to easily log time spent on particular tasks in project management system without having to open an additional one.

More details introduces a new way to report time worked on projects, while offering easy project budget monitoring. Quick, effective and across various systems.

Get a free demo today and understand why is trusted by many prestigious brands.

All your projects from external systems are displayed in the Timesheet tab. You can view, group and filter the hours worked as needed.

  • Categorize time spent with custom account labels, to understand how time is invested across teams and for invoicing
  • Any variation of grouping allows you to display custom views of the work hours reports.
  • You can filter hours worked by companies, external systems, projects, users or log types
  • Choose from preselected or custom time range for the report required.
  • Review, approve, or reject timesheets for payroll
  • Available in plugins integrated with existing systems, such as JIRA or Azure DevOps.

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy


Integration Details Time tracking - Budget monitoring & Reporting integrates with your Atlassian product. This remote service can:

  • View email addresses of users
  • Read data from the host application

