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- Partner Supported
Privacy and Security details
The Marketplace partner is solely responsible for the accuracy of the information provided below. For any further queries, contact the partner.
These details pertain to the latest app version available on the Atlassian Marketplace. They are provided by the Marketplace partner, either during the app publishing process or while submitting the Privacy & Security questionnaire. Atlassian does not control the policies and procedures mentioned.
How we collect this informationData storage and management
End-User Data processed and/or stored outside of Atlassian products and services (excluding process/storage of End-User Data in logs)
The app processes the following types of End-User Data:
Content posted, received or shared in the app
The app stores the following types of End-User Data:
Content posted, received or shared in the app
Data residency for in-scope End-User Data
Not applicable.
App does not support data residency options.
List of in-scope End-User Data
Not applicable.
App does not support data residency options.
Security and compliance
Contact for app security issues
App’s e-mail contact:
security@gitlab.comIntegration permissions with Atlassian products
Delete data from the host application
Read data from the host application
Write data to the host application
Compliance certifications
Privacy policy
Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.
Partner privacy policyCompany/Organization is a 'data controller' under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) with reference to this app
Company/Organization is a 'data controller' for the following types of End-User Data:
We are a Controller for all non-enterprise user data submitted directly to the App by the user. This includes repositories, issues, commits, project contributions, and comments.
Company/Organization is a 'data processor' under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) with reference to this app
Company/Organization is a 'data processor' for the following types of End-User Data:
We are a Data Processor for all Enterprise user data submitted directly to the App by the user. This includes repositories, issues, commits, project contributions, and comments.
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