Simple Checkout

for Confluence Server 7.19.0 - 8.8.1, Confluence Data Center 9.0.1 - 9.0.3 and more
88 installs
  • Supported

Check-out (lock) Confluence attachments for exclusive editing to avoid uncontrolled editing conflicts

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Exclusive editing

When you have checked-out an attachment other users can't edit the attachment. Depending on the configuration admins and space admins may force a check-in. An automatic check-in after a certain time is also possible.

Worry-free check-out

Clicking Edit in Confluence automatically checks-out the attachment. It is checked-in again once you have completed your work. A manual check-out is of course also possible.

Get notified

You also want to edit an attachment somebody else checked-out? Just click on notify me and you will get an email once the attachment is available.

More details

Simple Checkout adds attachment check-out (lock) functionality to Confluence. When an attachment is checked-out other users can't edit it.

The features in detail:

  • Worry-free check-out: a click on "Edit with ..." automatically check-outs the attachment for exclusive write access, launches the application, and automatically checks it in once you have completed your work.
  • The app works with the Attachments macro, in the attachments view as well as in View- and Preview-mode.
  • A conflicting upload (e.g. via drag & drop) is deleted with a proper notification to the uploading user.
  • You can allow admins and space admins to force a check-in.
  • You can configure an automatic check-in after a defined number of hours.
  • You can also configure a check-in reminder which reminds the user to check-in in case the check-out is older than a defined number of hours.
  • Users who also want to edit an attachment which is checked-out can register for a notification once it is available.

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy
