Confluence Page Hooks For Bitbucket

for Bitbucket Server 5.10.1 - 6.10.4

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Create or design your confluence pages (Using HTML and CSS) through Bitbucket commit

Enable Pre Receive Hook and Post Receive Hook

Enable both the hooks to execute feature of this plugin.Hooks will be available on the Workflow/Hooks page in the repository configuration/settings management page.

Fill required information of confluence server

While enabling Confluence Page Post Hook it will ask some information about your confluence instance. Fill correct information in this form otherwise it will give error.

Reject commit if wrong data passed.

While pushing file with wrong header data (in this image it is confluence spaceKey which is not available on confluence), It will reject commit and give reason with error message.

More details

  • Install App, Enable Pre Receive and Post Hooks available in Workflow/Hooks page in the repository configuration/settings management page.
  • Create a file to update its content on confluence page.
  • Make sure your content must have header part having space key and page title in specific format as given bellow.

For e.g. {"spaceKey":"","title":"","parentPageTitle":""}

  • spaceKey : Key of your page under which your page contains.
  • pageTitle : Title of your page to be create new or update existing page.
  • parentPageTitle : This parameter is optional. If your page is a child of any other page then pass this parameter.
  • Once your file is ready just commit it.
  • If everything will be proper then it will automatically update or create your confluence page.

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Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy
