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App Description

SLA timers

Timers have multiple states:





Stopped timers are no longer started and do not participate in recalculations when the settings are changed.

Easy configurable

Any user with the Administrator role in the project will be able to configure timers for his project. No Jira administration skills needed.

JQL search by SLA results

You can use timers for sorting tasks. During sorting the remaining time is calculated based on the timer overruns.

More details

The plugin allows you to count and track the time tasks spent in certain statuses or between certain events.

You can set time limits on JQL conditions. The countdown is set up according to one of the specified project calendars. Each calendar allows you to set up a schedule, separate working days, weekends and holidays.

All settings are configured individually for each project by Jira or project administrators.

Work is underway on the functionality of reports and metrics depends on timers. There are no restrictions on the minimum time of timer setting. All timer updates are available in real time and affect search and sorting.

Version History

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