Visual Issue Card for Jira
- Supported
- Jira
Visual issue cards for displaying additional information like title, status, issue type, due, etc
Adding visual card in text mode
Add visual cards to issue comments, description using tool bar of the visual editor.
Displaying visual cards
Get visualised card information in your issue description and comment section. Build overview of your work.
Create advanced views and reports with issue cards
Enhance your possibilities to create reports and views based on current issue data.
More details
Enrich your Jira issue text editor with up-to-date issue data.
Following parameters can be provided to macro to show more details on visual card:
- no parameters - issue type icon (shown always) and status category icon are shown, width is auto OR enabled default parameters from configuration page
- description
- priority
- assignee
- due - shows due date on a card either in grey or in red for an unresolved overdue issue
- status - shows issue's status as a text (instead of status category icon)
- width - makes visual issue card 400 pixel
- width=500 - makes visual issue card 500 pixel wide (min value 200, max value 800)
- flag - changes the background color of the card to orange
- {issuecard:due,status}RT-1{issuecard}
Additional information:
- Parameters editing only in text mode possible
- Issue type icon is shown always
- The order of parameters is arbitrary
- The order of displayed parameters is fixed
- To insert a line break after a card, use \\ notation
Please provide us with your ideas for card.
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Project status report with visual issue cards