Centralized license visibility

1,195 installs
  • Supported
  • Jira Service Management
Free app

See license usage in your company for Jira, Bitbucket, or Confluence

Collect license usage data

Monitor users who aren't actively logging in to your Jira, Bitbucket or Confluence, but consumes license.

Analyze license use

Use collected data to estimate the actual license needs for your company.

Export license information

Filter license consumption data by user name, date of last login, directory, and application type (Jira only). Export you license data for reporting purposes.

More details

To use capabilities of the centralized license visibility plugin, you must have Crowd 3.5 Data Center installed. The Atlassian Server or Data Center product for which you want to monitor license usage must be linked with Crowd using an Application Link. For detailed information on how to configure Application Links in Crowd, see Crowd documentation.

This plugin allows you to collect licensing data in the following products:

  • Bitbucket Server
  • Bitbucket Data Center
  • Confluence Server
  • Confluence Data Center
  • Jira Server
  • Jira Data Center


For database of 100k users, it might take up to 10 minutes for the plugin to collect the licensing data.

The plugin first run at the startup and then, by default, every 24h.To change this schedule, use REST endpoint /rest/panopticon/1.0/scheduler/schedule. Post the schedule as cron expression, e.g. to change the schedule to "every day at 1 am" post following body: {"schedule": "0 0 1 * * ?"}

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is applicable to the use of this app.

Atlassian privacy policy

