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Jira Cloud for Outlook (Official)

for Jira Cloud
  • Supported
  • Jira Service Management
Free app

Create new Jira issues, view up-to-date information about existing issues and take action on them in a couple of clicks

Issues at a glance

No need to open a browser tab — get a quick summaries about the issues linked in your email

Dive deeper

Click into an issue and see all the details and comments from Jira without leaving Outlook

Create in context

Create new issues in Jira without having to leave your inbox

More details

Email is great. However the information in emails is often outdated, and going through your emails to triage the important things requires a fair amount of back and forth between your inbox and each app. This add-in solves this problem for Jira by letting you manage your backlog from Outlook.

At a glance:

  • View the current status of Jira issues mentioned in an email
  • View rich, up to date information about a Jira issue
  • Update a Jira issue in a couple of clicks from your inbox: transition, assign and comment
  • Create a new Jira issue from an email so the full context is readily available when starting work on a task


  • Using this add-in requires a valid Jira Cloud subscription
  • The add-in does not support Jira Server or Jira Data Center installations

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is applicable to the use of this app.

Atlassian privacy policy


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