Groupee Group Assignee

for Jira Server 8.13.0 - 9.12.7, Jira Data Center 8.13.0 - 9.17.1 and more
  • Supported
  • Jira Service Management
  • Jira

Let's Assign Issues Amoung Groups. Groupee Group Asignee for Jira

Different Strategies

You can select different strategies for assignment from custom field configuration.

Update Assignee Anytime

You can update your tickets assignee anytime by clicking "Update Assignee" link. It'll assign to someone among your strategy.

Just Update Group Field

Just setting a new group to your groupee group assignee field will be enough to update your tickets' assignee.

More details

  • You can assign your tickets to your Jira groups.
  • You have four strategy options: Random, Round Robin, Having Least Issues, Having Least Remaining Estimate
  • You can set default value to your group assignee field and your tickets will be automatically assigned to someone from this default group. From custom field screens, if you remove this field from the edit screen you can restrict users to edit group value and you’ll be sure on every update the assignee will be selected from the default group.
  • You can update your tickets anytime by clicking "Update Assignee" link from your ticket's view.
  • Whenever you update your group assignee field's value your ticket's assignee will be updated automatically.
  • You can use 'Groupee Assign On Transition' post function to assign someone from the selected group.

One more thing, did you have a chance to check out our latest add-on Navigator for Jira?

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