To check known issues (or if you want to file one), view this app's issue tracker.
To learn more about the app, you should:
- Read the documentation.
This is a supported app, so you may contact the vendor (or support contact) for help:
Easy package upload and course distribution
Easily upload SCORM packages and use the Course macro to publish the course. Content is quickly and reliably delivered within Confluence, a familiar environment that is convenient, accessible and easy to maintain.
Seamless one-click user experience
A simplified user experience improves engagement and consumption of training materials. Users can enroll, start, pause, resume, review and complete courses at their own pace.
Reliable,measurable results at your fingertips
Admins can track course performance by enrollment, progress and completion metrics. Progress reports are faster to create and easier to track. Seamlessly update or revise training materials. Do it all within Confluence.
More details
🎉NEW Use your own image in Course macro
Deliver standardized, consistent training and learning courses where your users already work - in Confluence.
The benefits include:
- Everything happens in Confluence, no costly LMS or subscription service required
- Improved accessibility and consumption of materials
- SCORM player delivers lightweight performance and is built to scale and meet your company’s growing needs
- As a stand alone product without constraints of another ecosystem, it delivers more flexibility to grow with latest tech trends
Key features:
- Upload SCORM package as course
- Distribute courses through macro
- Restrict access of courses to space
- Users enroll, start, pause, resume, review, and complete at their own pace
- Track user enrollments, progress and completion or withdrawal
- Responsive global support team
Use cases:
- Corporate training program
- Self-paced eLearning program
- Customer education
- Compliance training program
Version history
2.1.5Confluence Server 6.13.0 - 7.12.52022-02-24Display of product EOL banner No release notes.2.1.4Confluence Server 6.13.0 - 7.12.52021-05-04Compatibility Update and Bug fix New in this release
- Now compatible with Confluence 7.12.0
- Fix issue with short session timeout when launching a SCORM package
2.1.3Confluence Server 6.10.0 - 7.11.22021-03-22Compatibility update New in this release
- Now compatible with Confluence 7.11.1
2.1.2Confluence Server 6.10.0 - 7.5.22020-05-27Compatibility update and new improvement New in this release
- Now compatible with Confluence 7.5.0
- You can now customize the hero image of the course macro by providing an image URL link
- Minor improvements and bugfixes
2.1.1Confluence Server 6.8.0 - 7.3.52020-03-31Minor improvements and bug fixes New in this release
- Added a new Getting Started guide for administrators.
- Fixed a bug that happened when rounding scores displayed for the learner. (For example, the score would show as 54.54322222% but we changed that so that it would display 54.54% instead.)
2.1.0Confluence Server 6.8.0 - 7.3.52020-03-20Paid app This is now officially a paid app. Thank you for all the feedback and suggestions!
2.0.1Confluence Server 6.6.0 - 7.1.22019-11-06Compatibility with Confluence 7 and mandatory upgrade New in this release
- Now compatible with Confluence 7.
- SCORM service endpoint update. Please upgrade app to this version or newer, to avoid service disruption.
1.0.2Confluence Server 6.2.0 - 6.15.102019-05-23Fixes and improvements - Officially added support for SCORM 2004 edition. See System and Platform Requirements.
- Improved course search function in macro editor to show 50 courses by default.
- Fixed a bug in case-sensitivity search in macro editor.
- Updated app name and some in-app messages.
1.0.1Confluence Server 6.2.0 - 6.15.102019-04-26Minor improvements - Update in-app description.
1.0.0Confluence Server 6.2.0 - 6.15.102019-04-26Beta release First release to the public.