SignalFx Opsgenie Integration

for Opsgenie Cloud
  • Supported
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Real-time cloud monitoring for infrastructure, apps and digital business

Set up an Opsgenie integration in SignalFx

Customers with hundreds of teams can add just one Opsgenie integration that can send SignalFx alerts to any of them. Add and remove Teams without changing the integration on the SignalFx side.

Use one integration to send alerts to all teams

Search through Teams with autocomplete to send SignalFx notifications to any Team that's reachable from the integration.

See dynamic alert messages in Opsgenie

SignalFx alerts in Opsgenie include an image of the monitored signals and details about the problem. You can customize the alert messages and include dynamic information like the instance that triggered the alert.

More details

SignalFx is the only real-time cloud monitoring platform for infrastructure, microservices, and applications. The platform collects metrics and traces across every component in your cloud environment, replacing traditional point tools with a single integrated solution that works across the stack. SignalFx is built on a massively scalable streaming architecture that applies advanced predictive analytics for real-time problem detection. With its NoSample™ distributed tracing capabilities, SignalFx reliably monitors all transactions across microservices, accurately identifying all anomalies. And through data-science-powered directed troubleshooting SignalFx guides the operator to find the root cause of issues in seconds. SignalFx is used by leading enterprises across high tech, financial services, consumer products, retail, communications, media, and entertainment.

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