Fast User Switcher (FUS) for Confluence

for Confluence Server 7.4.0 - 8.5.16, Confluence Data Center 7.13.0 - 8.9.7 and more
49 installs
  • Supported

Log in as any user to investigate issues, test processes, provide support or make changes on behalf of other users

YouTube's thumbnail image for the video.

Type "su" at any page or blogpost to access FUS

Hotkey available on all Pages, Blogposts and Confluence administration menu

Open FUS from personal menu

Available on any Confluence page

Track FUS usage statics

Who\When\Which User

More details

  • With Fast User Switcher, you can easily switch to another user by typing "su" on any page or blog of your instance to open the app's modal dialog.
  • Find out who used Fast User Switcher and when with the Confluence audit log.
  • Select users who are allowed to use this feature.

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy

