Power Boards for Jira

for Jira Server 8.0.0 - 8.20.30 and more
17 installs
  • Jira Service Management

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Manage your work better, edit issues faster, and transition tickets easier

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Collapse Columns on Scrum and Kanban Boards

Choose to expand or collapse your columns on scrum and kanban boards. See what you need to. Avoid unnecessary information. Manage your work better.

Transition Multiple Issues

Handy moving multiple issues at one go to another column, or within column itself using Shift key

Inline create issue on board

Creating issues on board has never been easier than this new inline create issue feature. You can choose the issue type / sprint to create the issue with, not just that, the text box supports create multiple issues

More details


  • Collapse columns on scrum and kanban boards
  • hide columns using our "column visibility" feature
  • enable our "modal view" to see a complete view of an issue on the board without having to leave the board
  • edit issues in the modal view
  • edit issues inline
  • transition multiple issues at the same time
  • transition issues to statuses in the same column using the "shift" key while dragging and dropping
  • configure which boards use the "Power Boards" features
  • adjust the size of the issue information screen on the right when viewing the board

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