Glass Project Documentation for Jira

for Jira Cloud, Jira Server 7.3.0 - 9.14.1, Jira Data Center 7.3.0 - 9.17.3 and more
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  • Jira Service Management
  • Jira

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📲 Automate Jira project documentation 📇 Export to Confluence/PDF 👨‍🎓 Educate Jira users with ease 🧐 Prepare for rapid audits

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Overview & Compare Jira project configurations

Create Snapshots as configuration milestones. Find configuration changes in the same or between projects by time. Download and upload on different instance, when moving from dev to prod or validating Cloud Migration.

Export Jira configurations to Confluence/PDF

Don't waste your time writing and updating process documentation. Automate Jira project documentation and export it to Confluence or PDF. Use Confluence Page History to track changes in your project.

Analyze workflow settings

Analyze Project Roles and Groups, Permissions, Notifications, and Workflows (with validators, conditions, and post functions) in your Jira project without admin access. Export and compare Jira project configurations.

More details


  • Save Time - Generate an easy-to-understand Jira project documentation in seconds.
  • Understand - Get an overview or deep dive into your Jira configuration details.
  • Train & Onboard - Reduce your team's learning curve with relevant info and educational content.
  • Prepare - Provide complete and accurate information for the auditors.
  • Be up to date - Keep your Jira project documentation always up-to-date without effort.


  • Generate Jira project documentation in seconds
  • One-click user access to project information
  • A detailed, easy-to-understand overview of Jira projects
  • Export project & workflow settings to Confluence or PDF
  • Create snapshots and compare Jira project configurations
  • Analyze project roles, groups, permissions, notifications, and workflows

More info:

Check out Glass Project Information for Jira without Exporting.



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  • Cloud security participation
  • Reliability checks
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  • and more.

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Select from available Issue Types, check assigned Workflow and Screens, analyze Fields while learning Jira concepts.